Southwest Patrol


security patrol los angeles

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Southwest Patrol Safelisting Guidelines

Confirmation Number Requirement: Ensure the safelisting of your vehicle is successful by obtaining a confirmation number. Without this number, your vehicle is not considered safelisted.

Temporary License Plate Requirement: If your vehicle bears a TEMPORARY LICENSE PLATE, it must be used for safelisting. Any other form of identification will render your safelist invalid, leading to possible towing.

VIN Safelisting Advisory: Using VIN for safelisting, whether your vehicle has a PERMANENT or TEMPORARY LICENSE PLATE, may result in towing. Exercise caution when opting for this method.

Date Selection Process: For your safelisting request to be accepted, individually click on and highlight each desired date. Safelists are valid for 24 hours from submission and are activated upon receiving a confirmation number. Always select the date before midnight if you are safelisting for after midnight.

Disclaimer: Invalid or incorrectly entered safelist requests will not be honored and may lead to a citation, towing, and potential withdrawal of future safe listing privileges.

Parking Space and Storage Clarification: Safelisting your vehicle does not exempt it from being towed if parked improperly or in undesignated areas. Contact your management company for special instructions if you plan to store your vehicle.

No Parking Space Guarantee: Safelisting your vehicle does not guarantee a parking space. Some associations may restrict safelisting, especially for commercial or recreational vehicles, which may result in towing even if safelisted.

Association-Specific Rules: Certain associations have rules regarding resident vehicle safelisting. Please refer to your association guidelines for further details.

Communication Method: Kindly refrain from emailing safelists, as our email monitoring is not 24/7. We regret that we cannot be held responsible for tows or citations resulting from missed communications.

Thank you for being so cooperative in maintaining a secure and compliant parking environment with Southwest Patrol.

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